Mein Portfolioprojekt für Inktober (Illustration der Kurzgeschichte Leaf by Niggle) ist ja nicht ganz fertig geworden, hier aber das vorletzte Bild:
Ich will ein bisschen weg von der reinen Bebilderung von Texten und beschäftige mich im Moment ziemlich viel damit, wie ich die Atmosphäre und die Inhalte in Illustrationen darstellen kann (Medium, Bildausschnitt etc.). Was meint ihr, klappt das langsam?

Before him stood the Tree, his Tree, finished. If you could say that of a tree that was alive, its leaves opening, its branches growing and bending in the wind that Niggle had so often felt or guesses, and had so often failed to catch. He gazed at the Tree, and slowly lifted his arms and opened them wide. "It´s a gift," he said. He was referring to his art, and also to the result; but he was using the word quite literary.

Der Vollständigkeit halber noch die anderen drei Bilder samt Textauszügen, an Nr. vier kaue ich noch herum.

"There was one picture in particular which bothered him. It had begun with a leaf caught in the wind, and it became a tree; and the tree grew, sending out innumerable branches, and thrusting out the most fantastic roots. Strange birds came and settled on the twigs and had to be attended to. [...] Niggle lost interest in his other pictures, or else he took them and tacked them onto the edges of his great picture. Soon the canvas became so large that he had to get a ladder, and he ran up and down it, putting in a touch here and rubbing out a patch there."

"Now the Niggle case," said a Voice, a severe voice, more severe than the doctor´s. "What was the matter with him?" asked a Second Voice, a voice you might have called gentle, though it was not soft - it was a voice of authority, and sounded at once hopeful and sad. "What was the matter with Niggle? His heart was at the right place." ""Yes, but it did not function properly", said the First Voice. "And his head was not screwed on tight enough: he hardly ever thought at all. Look at the time he wasted, not even amusing himself!"[...]
"Well," said the Second Voice, "[...] He was a painter by nature. In a minor way, of course; still, a Leaf by Niggle has a charm of its own".

"Oh, poor little Niggle," said Perkins, "never knew he painted."
That was probebly the last time Niggle´s name ever came up in conversation. However, Atkins preserved the odd corner. Most of it crumbled; but one beautiful leaf remained intact. Atkins had it framed. Later he left it to the Town Museum, and for a long time while "Leaf: by Niggle" hung there in a recess, and was noticed by a few eyes. But eventually the museum was burnt down, and the Leaf, and Niggle, were entirely forgotten in his old country.